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For Writers


“An issue for most beginning novelists, is finding a strong storyline. Well, here are lives of some of the most amazing women. Each one of their lives could make a fantastic historical novel, or be adapted into a TV series. We’ve given you thumbnail sketches to spark your imagination. 
Enjoy! And Good Luck!”


Anais NIn

Anais NIn

In my days, I was notorious, scandalous, loved, admired, hated and always the subject of gossip. And at the beginning of the 20thCentury, people really liked to gossip. But did I care? Of course not! I’m Anais Nin, Cuban by birth, but a woman of the world. Yet I’m not...

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Do your serious research when you’ve finished your book. Yes, this sounds counter-intuitive…after all, how can you write a novel unless you know all the details about what you’re writing. But assuming you have a good idea of the plot and the characters, all other...

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Use All Your Senses

Use All Your Senses

When you’ve finished a section, a chapter or the entire book, read it aloud. Close your study door, stand in front of a mirror or sit at your computer, and read aloud what you’ve written. Why? Because there are aspects of our written work which are not immediately...

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