Punishing a child is never the right thing to do.
Parents are the heart of the solution.


Peter’s and Angel’s Book

Bedwetting is a nightmare for parents, but a trauma for children. Until today, there’s been no successful way of stopping a child from nighttime, or daytime leakage. All sorts of so-called treatments are offered, from alarms to medicines, psychologists and even psychiatrists. None of them is truly a cure, because they’re treating the wrong thing.

But the solution is simple – just exercises. Specific exercises which strengthen the muscles and ligaments which open and close the child’s waste pipes. The discovery was made by two Professors of Medicine, and the successful results were absolutely amazing




Just parental monitoring of specific exercises twice a day for a couple of weeks will show a dramatic improvement in a child’s ability to ‘hold it in’ overnight.

And the relief for children will turn them from morose and socially-isolated kids, into normal happy children once again.

Bedwetting ISN’T the child’s fault. It’s NOT due to laziness, over-full bladder, forgetfulness….it’s just a set of muscles in a child’s pelvic floor which need strengthening.

So punishing a child for bedwetting or daytime leakage is absolutely NOT the right thing to do. It’s NOT the child’s fault. Instead, supervised and monitored exercises, every night and every morning until the muscles strengthen, will almost certainly cure a child of bedwetting.

The two professors, Peter Petros and Angel Garcia Fernandez, have written this book to show parents precisely what exercises to do, and how to help their children overcome this problem. They’ve even turned the exercises into games.


quote from book

…”there’s a significant number of kids who…exclude themselves from the group, or are excluded from the group for no fault of theirs. These are the bed wetters, boys and girls no longer in nappies, but who can’t seem to control their bladders or bowels, and the results are wet and smelly clothes, tears of embarrassment, and cries for help. And the end result is often social exclusion, ridicule, and isolation. No sleepovers, no going to grandparent’s homes or friends’ houses, and in severe cases, no going to movies or parties or concerts. This is especially embarrassing when children grow older and should be increasingly independent of the home, yet still can’t control their problem.“



Professor Angel garcia fernandez


Professor Angel Garcia-Fernandez MD PhD has been the Chief Professor of Medicine and Surgery, specializing in Child Urology at the National University of Cordoba and the Chef de Clinic of the Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital of the University of René Descartes, University of Paris, France. He has been the Specialist Pediatric Surgeon of the Argentine Society of Childhood Surgery since December, 1980.

Professor Garcia-Fernandez has written numerous peer-reviewed periodicals and is a founding member of publications for national and international academic and professional books at Sociedad IberoAmerican de Urologia Infantil, and founding member of the Latin American Pelvic Floor Association, a Member of the French Association of Urologia and a Member of the International Children’s Continence Society. 


Professor Peter petros


Professor Peter Petros, DSc DS (UWA) PhD (Uppsala) MB BS MD (Syd) FRCOG (Lond), is a highly experienced pelvic floor reconstructive surgeon. He is internationally recognized as a leader in the field of incontinence and prolapse both in basic science and surgery. In the early 1990s, he and the late Professor Ulf Ulmsten from the University of Uppsala, Sweden, wrote a 79 page description of  the Integral Theory of Female Urinary Incontinence which stated that stress urinary incontinence and what  is now known as “overactive bladder” did not originate from the bladder itself, but from looseness in the supporting ligaments of the urethra and vagina. 

The reason for the looseness was deficient collagen in the ligaments. Two years prior to this publication, Petros and John Papadimitriou, both from the Royal Perth Hospital invented a new surgical method, how to create a new collagenous ligament using a tape implanted in the exact position of the damaged ligament. This was the basis for the midurethral sling operation for cure of urinary stress incontinence. More than 5,000,000 such operations have been performed between 1996 and 2018.  Since 1993, the Theory has evolved into a complete system of management as the Integral Theory System (ITS), which is not only a method of surgery, but also special non surgical methods which can strengthen the automatic muscles and ligaments of the female pelvis. It is this part of the ITS which has been applied to cure children with bedwetting.

Professor Petros has authored more than 250 original scientific articles on incontinence and prolapse, has been awarded 4 doctorates and has written a major medical textbook on “The Female Pelvic Floor” now in its 3rd edition, which has been printed in 10 languages.  



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