Bell Of The Desert

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A grand historical novel about Gertrude Bell, one of the most influential women of the 20th century. Internationally renowned novelist Alan Gold brings his knowledge of history and drama in his recreation of this amazing, if little-known heroine of the 1st World War.

Gertrude was one of the most celebrated adventurers of her day, the brains behind Lawrence of Arabia, an advisor to kings and desert sheikhs, and the British Government’s secret weapon in the war to end all wars. A brilliant linguist, academic, mountaineer, explorer, politician and towering literary figure, Gertrude Bell is the most unsung yet significant heroine of the 20th century.
Alan’s meticulously researched novel accurately opens history’s pages on a peerless woman who broke all moulds for how Victorian women were supposed to behave – socially, intellectually and physically. Guiding the events of the day in open, sanctioned diplomacy, and adventure all across the Middle East, her influence on the men at the vanguard of history and her unparalleled skill in sculpting the pathways and influences of the English, French and Arab allies on the region, led to her greatest achievement: single-handedly creating today’s Iraq.
In BELL OF THE DESERT, Alan reveals that, more than any other single figure, it was this extraordinary woman who most determinedly fashioned the Arab world as we know it today.


  1. DeeDee

    “I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. Sadly, I’d never heard of this extraordinary woman whose deeds early on were marginalized by the British government. Dear friend and mentor of T. E. Lawrence (of Arabia), she was instrumental in creating a modern Mid East and saw many of her dreams of a united Arabia realized during her lifetime. She was truly an amazing woman. I found her story so compelling, I hated to come to the end.”

  2. Linda Dunn

    “I had never heard of Gertrude Bell before I read this book. She led a remarkable life and, had she been a man, her name would have been more famous than Lawrence of Arabia’s. I gained some insight into the history of the middle east and its effect on today’s conflicts.”

  3. e-bookworm41

    “This is a really fascinating insight to the Middle East – from late 1800’s. One learns so much that provides good background to today – lots of the same issues. Really interesting to see how the colonial powers treated the countries then and role of oil. A very easy way to get a feel for the politics of the area and of course wonderful to learn about this real woman Gertrude Bell and her era. I was disappointed in the quality of the writing but the story carries it. e-bookworm41

  4. CMH

    “While Lawrence of Arabia gets the credit, Gertrude Bell was the true creator of many of the nations we now call the Middle East. Be it Faisal the First of Iraq, Abdullah of Jordan, or the Sauds of Saudi Arabia, she parceled out the British Empire’s Mesopotamia. She advised Winston Churchill and added “of Arabia” to Lawrence but is largely forgotten. This engaging read tells the true story of a real heroine, an explorer, archeologist, author, and king maker.”

  5. Joyce Jamerson

    A wonderful book about an amazing woman. Thank you for bringing her back to life

  6. Leslie Mahler

    “Gertrude Bell is a fascinating woman who played a unique roll in the creation of the modern countries of the middle east. Her activities and the Arab history of just 100 years ago are particularly relevant in light of today’s problems of the same region. I do have to say that the book could have done with a heavier handed editor but I was willing to overlook that in light of my interest in the subject matter.”

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