

Speak my name with care, you woman of the 21stCentury. Three thousand years separates us, but my name is still revered throughout the ages as a Goddess, the wife and mother of Gods, and the creator of the one true God. I am Nefertiti, Pharaoh of Egypt, wife of...


I am Heloise, writer, logician, feminist, nun, and lover of the philosopher Peter Abelard. Though I am a very young woman, I’m renown for my genius, and I speak and write fluently in Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and French. Abelard was given to me as my tutor and we soon...
Lady Godiva

Lady Godiva

I am Godiva, wife of Leofric, Lady of Mercia. Nine hundred years ago, my husband taxed the people of Coventry so mercilessly that children starved in their homes. I begged him to be merciful, but this cruel man said that he would reduce the taxes if I rode naked...


My name is Isadora Duncan. I’m a woman of the world, born in America, living in Europe and loving Russia. In the beginning of the 20thCentury, I was the world’s most famous dancer, taking my movements from the natural sensuality of the ancient Greeks. I have made love...
Joan of Arc…Prophetess or mad woman?

Joan of Arc…Prophetess or mad woman?

Today, we’d probably view Joan of Arc as a mad woman, a paranoid delusional schizophrenic. Anybody who claims to have heard the voice of God which causes them to lead an army into battle has got to be on the far side of the spectrum. But in the 15thCentury, when she...


I am Phyrne, a courtesan of ancient Greece. I am the most beautiful woman of my age, said to be the most beautiful woman ever born. I was used as the model for statues of the Goddess Aphrodite. And I had more lovers, men and women, than I could count. Every morning I...